Longtown Primary School Curriculum Rationale

At Longtown Primary School, we have designed an aspirational curriculum with pupils’ learning at the centre. We recognise that a curriculum has to be broad, balanced, inspiring and challenging in order to offer pupils opportunities to grow as unique individuals as well as learners. We endeavour to enrich our curriculum by reflecting the schools local context and by providing deepening understanding opportunities which we believe is fundamentally important.


As an inclusive community driven school, learning and growing together is especially important to us. Our school values the input of its pupils, parents and the local community with regards to the planning and delivery of the curriculum. We believe that investing in our pupils holistically creates opportunities for them to ‘be the best they can be’ in all areas of life.

We aim to ensure pupils are excited by learning and feel prepared for life after school. We also intend to offer our pupils new and interesting experiences through extra-curricular activities that are designed to build resilience, confidence and self-esteem.


Our curriculum drivers are centred on developing rich oracy, growing aspirations and celebrating cultural diversity and we ensure this is threaded through our curriculum and enrichment opportunities.

Our curriculum will be delivered in accordance with the Equality Act 2010, through a variety of methods, including those outlined below.


Curriculum planning: Our curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and move towards clearly defined end points. We have taken into account findings of cognitive science which identify the importance of concepts, sequencing and spaced repetition in order for pupils to retain learning in the long term memory.

Classroom-based learning: Accessing different learning resources and equipment to broaden pupils’ knowledge, making cross-curricular links where possible within lessons, so that pupils can know more and remember more as well as learn how subjects share commonalities and understand how each topic plays a part in everyday life.

Ambition: Our curriculum will be ambitious for all pupils ensuring equal access for disadvantaged and SEND pupils. Starting points will not be lowered and all pupils will be supported to undertake challenging work through appropriate scaffolding, adaptations and support, primarily through talk.

Cultural Capital: is an important part of our curriculum. This is carefully planned for, focusing on our school drivers to ensure our children achieve goals, become successful, and rise up the social ladder regardless of their starting point, wealth or financial capital.

Staff CPD: is carefully considered and the implementation of coaching across school is improving classroom practice and teachers pedagogy. Subject leadership is well distributed and staff collectively share good practice and work together to ensure the whole school has an awareness of the importance of each individual subject and the connections between them.