PE at Longtown Primary School
Our vision is for all children at Longtown Primary School to experience excellent physical education, school sport and physical activity that will lead to life-long participation.
We believe that PE and school sport contribute to the holistic development of children and, through active participation, our children are enabled to build on and develop our key values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.
We strive to ensure that all pupils have access to a high-quality PE curriculum which is varied and allows pupils to have experiences and express themselves in a range of physical activities. Our PE programme aims to equip pupils with the physical skills, literacy and knowledge to participate positively in team, individual and outdoor and adventurous activities with confidence. It is important that a sense of enjoyment and inclusivity are at the heart of our PE lessons but that pupils develop an understanding into the importance that sport and PE plays in keeping us physically, mentally and socially well.
At Longtown Primary School we intend to:
- Use PE to develop the health and wellbeing of our pupils
- Develop the physical skills to allow pupils to have confidence in own their ability when performing individually or in a competitive situation
- Develop the knowledge and understanding which underpins physical activity in all pupils.
- Provide a variety of enjoyable opportunities for pupils to engage in physical activity to develop lifelong participation
We intend to use the sport premium funding to support the development of PE and extra-curricular sporting opportunities in the following ways:
- Provide specialist coaching during curriculum time for all classes.
- Use specialist coaching to provide ongoing, continuous CPD for all teachers, enhancing the delivery or PE throughout school.
- Enable increased participation in and out of school clubs
- Provide a cycling proficiency training course for year 6
- Develop resources for encouraging physical activities during playtime
- Entry to inter-school tournaments and competitive events
- Continue to offer a wide range and number of school activities to pupils across the school
- Years 3,4,5 and 6 will be offered subsidized swimming lessons
- Our PE curriculum covers the skills our children will learn over their time at Longtown Primary School. Our curriculum is designed to allow pupils to revisit and build on their previous skills.
In the Early Years, PE is planned for once a week with additional skills covered in the outdoors. The children access the outdoor learning environment throughout each day where physical activity is met through the continuous and enhanced provision as well as planned activities.
In KS1 and KS2, PE is planned for twice a week (2 hours), with additional physical activity taking place at lunch times and through use of our mile track. We allow for time for reinforcement and application of skills in different contexts.
We work closely with WHS PE staff who deliver PE once a week to most pupils. This is then followed by a second PE session which is planned and delivered by our staff. We timetable this so every class works with specialist staff across the year.