Our teacher is Miss Johnston

What is your name?  Abbie Johnston

What class do you teach? I teach Year 2, our class is called Team Rabbit. This is my second year teaching Year 2 at Longtown but this year I am in a new classroom.  

How long have you worked at Longtown Primary School? This is my second year at Longtown Primary School. This is my fourth year as a teacher.

What would the children be surprised to find out about you? When I was younger, I performed in The Sands Centre Christmas Pantomimes- this is something I would definitely recommend others to do if they get the chance.

What makes a ‘good’ day at Longtown Primary School? When the sun is shining, and we can spend time outside in the sun!

What is the best thing about being a teacher? When a child learns something new and is confident and proud of themselves for doing this.

What wisdom would you pass on to the children in your class? No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

Things to remember:

  • PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Named PE kits should be kept in school. Kits will be sent home for washing during school holidays.
  • Reading books and water bottles should be brought into school each day.
  • Children can bring a healthy snack for morning break time, we also provide fruit as an option.
  • Please sign your child’s reading record at home, it is helpful for children to read daily. A little every day goes a long, long way.

Please ensure spellings are practised daily.

Useful Websites:

https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ – Phonics  (Some games are free)

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/  – lots of useful English & maths games (Aged 5-7 bracket)

https://kidsspell.com/ – Spelling games with pre made lists of spelling or lists can be made

http://www.ictgames.com – Maths and English games

http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks1/science/ – Science activities & games

Class Documents: