Our teacher is Mr Morris

What is your name?   Jake Morris

What class do you teach? I teach Year 5, our class is called Team Badger.

How long have you worked at Longtown Primary School? I joined Longtown Primary School in September 2024. I previously worked in North Wales, Liverpool and Whitehaven.

What would the children be surprised to find out about you?  I am in 3 Harry Potter films.

What makes a ‘good’ day at Longtown Primary School?  When the children make great progress and are enthusiastic about their learning. As well as when Tottenham wins…

What is the best thing about being a teacher?  Being able to watch the children progress and grow.

What wisdom would you pass on to the children in your class?  You can achieve anything you put your mind to.

Things to remember:

  • PE days Thursday and Friday. Named PE kits to be kept in school. Kits will be sent home for washing during school holidays.
  • Water bottles, these can be filled up in school during the day.
  • Spellings will be sent home on a Monday and the children will be tested on a Friday.
  • Make sure your child reads 5 times a week.

Useful links:

Spelling Shed: https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/

Class Documents