Our teacher is Mrs Grierson
What is your name? Donna Grierson
What class do you teach? I teach the nursery children, our class is called Team Shrew.
How long have you worked at Longtown Primary School? I have worked at Longtown Primary School for over 10 years, first as a teaching assistant before gaining my higher-level teaching assistant qualification. This led onto running the nursery class and covering teaching within KS1.
What would the children be surprised to find out about you? Before my present role I helped to care for elderly people with their rehabilitation so they could return home to their family.
What makes a ‘good’ day at Longtown Primary School? When a child brings in something from home that they are excited to share with the class. Having a cosy story time with Julia Donaldson and a piece of chocolate cake.
What is the best thing about being a teacher? When a child has a ‘light bulb moment’ and realise they can do something they didn’t think they could, or they make a connection in their learning that surprises and delights them.
What wisdom would you pass on to the children in your class? Stay curious and never give up!
Things to remember:
- PE days Monday. Named PE kits to be kept in school. Kits will be sent home for washing during school holidays.
- Water bottles.
- A healthy snack plus milk and fruit are provided during the day.
- Remember to bring library books into school on a Wednesday.
- Listening to your child read and helping them practice their letter sounds at home will really help them in their learning journey. A little every day goes a long, long way.
Team Hedgehog – Reception
Our teacher is Miss Smith
What is your name? Devan-Rose Smith
What class do you teach? I teach Team Hedgehog which is the Reception Class.
How long have you worked at Longtown Primary School? This is my first year at Longtown Primary School however this will be my seventh year of teaching.
What would the children be surprised to find out about you? I was born in Germany!
What makes a ‘good’ day at Longtown Primary School? When the day has been full of learning.
What is the best thing about being a teacher? I love learning! Being a teacher means I get to share my knowledge, be part of a team and learn something new every day.
What wisdom would you pass on to the children in your class? Amazing things happen when you try.
Useful links:
www.phonicsplay.co.uk (Phonics games)
www.topmarks.co.uk (Maths games)
www.spellingshed.com (Spelling games & practise)
www.oxfordowl.co.uk (Reading practice)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zks4kmn (Activities, science and topic)
Class Documents: