We work closely with William Howard School (our neighbouring secondary school) to ensure the transition is smooth. The Year 6 team have regular meetings with the Year 7 team and coordinate a clear support programme identifying pupils needs at the earliest stage.
So far we have set up a transition group for a selection of pupils who attend half-termly meetings at WHS alongside other feeder schools.
We have recently held a transition meeting allowing parents to meet with the Year 7 Director of Learning as an open forum to discuss any concerns.
Alongside this, two transition days have been organised in which pupils can attend and experience a day at William Howard School ready for moving up in September.
A mentoring programme was established early on in the academic year with William Howard staff running tuition groups in preparation for SATs, allowing the Year 6s to build a relationship with key staff members who will be present in Year 7.
Visit the William Howard School website to find out more: www.williamhoward.cumbria.sch.uk/
in order to apply for a school place, please visit the below website:
School admissions – apply for a school place | Cumberland Council