As part of the Ofsted celebration students at Longtown Primary School painted pebbles that included little messages. We distributed the pebbles far and wide and spread the news that Longtown Primary School is now a GOOD school. We asked the finder of any pebble to tweet the school and use the hashtag #LPSisGood when they were located. We have now had our first discovery in Condado de Alhama, Spain.
I’ve found one of your proud pebbles in Condado de Alhama, Spain 🇪🇸 @LongtownPrimary #LPSisGood it’s a long time since I was at school but I really enjoyed being with my friends 😀👵👩🏻👧🏼
— Nik*! 🦋 ⫩ (@njclifford) July 2, 2019